So in gearing up for my first winter here in 3 years, I have been faced with the "green" dilemma of purchasing rubber boots. I have resisted and resisted because they are a product that most often than not, when they reach the end of their useful life, spring a leak or just go out of fashion they are thrown away. So how many pairs of rubber boots do you think are sitting in a landfill somewhere in rainy North American cities, dying a very slow death and likely contributing to the destruction of nature through needing space in the landfill or leaching man-made materials into the soil and water as they break down? Not a pretty picture.
So what is a girl to do?
1. Purchase 2nd hand boots, 100% recycled content boots or new boots from a company that will recycle them for you
Kamik Boots www.kamik.com
Fanshoe by Vanderbilt
Raven Tactical Ware - Outdoor Range
2. Find a company that will recycle your old boots:
- Smile Plastics (UK) http://www.smile-plastics.co.uk/
- 'Old Wellies' (can be sent to Dunlop Footware in the UK) Mr R Harrington, Recycling Depot, Dunlop Footwear Ltd, Hazeldene Road, Liverpool, L9 2BA
- You will find organizations in need of recycled rubber on online recycling sites such as Recycle.net or Earth911.
- Contact your local municipality and inquire if they will take rubber products for recycling
- Smile Plastics (UK) http://www.smile-plastics.co.uk/
- 'Old Wellies' (can be sent to Dunlop Footware in the UK) Mr R Harrington, Recycling Depot, Dunlop Footwear Ltd, Hazeldene Road, Liverpool, L9 2BA
- You will find organizations in need of recycled rubber on online recycling sites such as Recycle.net or Earth911.
- Contact your local municipality and inquire if they will take rubber products for recycling
Lydiatt is an award-winning sustainability advisor, educator and #1 Amazon.com
bestselling author passionate about green/sustainability empowerment and
change. Connect with her at www.thegreenfamiliesguru.com and hop onto her free ezine or sign up for her 7-Day Going Green Challenge hosted online.