10 Organic Garden Aids For Pest & Disease Control
With a little bit of planning you can help cut down on pests and disease organically by planting natural repellents near problem plants. I have a few suggestions listed below along with a few recipes using non-harsh ingredients that can help deter pests (and some disease).10 Organic Garden Aids
Radishes Are Not Only Tasty In Salads, They Help Repel Cucumber Beetles Too!
Epson Salt Spray: 2 ounces of salt per 2 gallons water.
Benefits: Helps with Black Spot, Mildew, Wilt and Rust
Mineral Oil Spray: 3 parts oil per 100 parts water.
Benefits: Helps with Aphids, Codling Moth, Leaf Roller, Mealybugs, Scaled Insects, White Fly
Beer: Stale or mixed with molasses
Benefits: Helps control Slugs
Tomato Leaves Spray: Crush leaves and soak in water for a couple days. Strain then spray.
Benefits: Grasshopper and White Fly control
Soap Spray: 2 TBS soap flakes dissolved in 1 quart water. *Don’t use detergents.
Benefits: Aphid control
Basil: Plant in pots and place around patio or deck
Benefits: Repels flies and mosquitoes
Rosemary, Mint, Thyme: Plant near cabbage
Benefits: Repels cabbage worms
Nasturtiums: Plant near cucumbers, melons and squashes.
Benefits: Repels squash bugs
Summer Savory: Plant near beans
Benefits: Repels bean beetles
Radishes: Plant near cucumbers
Benefits: Repels cucumber beetles
Originally Published June 5, 2007
Tracy Lydiatt - B.Sc, M.Sc
The Green Families Guru
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