Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

 Merry Christmas everyone and I wish you all a 
Happy New Year!

2010 has been full of many changes and transitions for me.
I thank you for being along on the ride with me.
I have relocated back to Canada and excited to be building my business around sustainability for families!

2011 will be exciting and filled with love and joyful things!
I am launching my printed book, Your Green Family Blueprint in February 2011! 
I am announcing an exciting service offering in late January 2011 for the "go-getters" wanting to go green with joyful support  - a response to your requests! 
You won't want to miss out!
Many other "new" things coming next year.....

Much love, joy and warmth to you and your families for the close of 2010.
Tracy xo