Monday, October 18, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Featured in Delish Mag Fall 2010!

I am deeply honored to be featured in a wonderful new online magazine based in Vancouver called Delish Magazine!

Delish Magazine Fall 2010 Cover

I was asked to contribute to their feature called "Where in the world is...." and this month it's "Where in the world is Tracy Lydiatt?". 

Please visit for an amazing issue and enjoy. This issue also features great articles about green cleaning, gardening for spring bulbs, awesome interviews with some inspiring people, as well as a focus on crafts! (including an awesome feature on how to make your own laptop cover!)

Thank you to Delish Magazine for asking me to contribute! Love you gals! Well done!

Back on Canadian Soil

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you to my Australian sustainability friends for a wonderful 2 years of connections, learning, support and love!

I have moved back to Canada for now to work full time on my business, my book and promoting sustainability for families.

It has been a time of great transition for me so I've been a bit quiet. Look for more to come in the future as I settle in and get my teeth into it!

Much sustainability love!